No matter in which field, as a climate activist, in health-conscious living, in full-time or part-time working life, one must deal with public transport questions. Costs tend to be optional.
In cities, parking is expensive and private transport is time-consuming or no longer practical. Despite the political will to market public transport even more or, if possible and use considerable steering to promote other transport options and models, the ordinary and economic sense within the population is at a level that should be considered.
It is clear to many: in the future, there will be more trains, a hyperloop, respectively transport options, which, if possible, will change behaviour in a way that meets our needs and makes the changeover seem easy, pleasant and economically advantageous. However, not only large corporations and the state should be active in this environment. It would make much more sense and be desirable for businesses to be involved. Unfortunately, state-economic structures and “trench warfare” have been political issues for centuries and left to socialist-minded or old-liberal circles for too long. The diversity of ideas leaves much to be desired. People need to be more flexible and, in case of doubt, are happy to increase VAT. They don't want to risk a franc less in pension money. Instead, they are thinking about how state pension funds could additionally damage the national economy and how, if possible, behaviourally advantageous economic developments could be undermined.
General bans on dogs on buses, trains, taxis or Mobility would not only bring about more ecological behaviour among many business people. In times when dogs are even allowed in hygienic doctor's surgeries, offices as well as within many communal meeting zones, one can hardly avoid proven dangers and possible injuries. Thus, both cat and dog bites are within the tolerance limit, even though it is doubtful that all pet owners comply with vaccination obligations. Regardless of the possibility that, for example, a cat just ate a virus-infected bird that had “sent” a whole herd of breeding animals into incineration shortly before. Are such cycles no longer taken seriously but profoundly harmless to modern societies? Can younger generations solve mistakes and losses of past decades through innovation and the technical progress in an all-healing, short-term and problem-free way?
Meat consumption per capita has only slightly decreased despite many vegan alternatives. This is primarily due to the marketing of large meat processing companies and high subsidies. Smaller butcheries and speciality farms could make a sustainable contribution, especially in increasing and recovering forest areas and sensibly regulating populations. Fortunately, afforestation tendencies are rapidly transforming into a natural forest economy. However, we seem far away from a commercial, entrepreneurial mindset, sometimes deliberately. The hurdles are getting higher yearly to professionally not have to comply with the corresponding legislation. Consumers' common sense is willingly eliminated via marketing, market penetration and diabolical influence. This is called sustainable research or knowledge society, which would stand for the majority's long life and excellent health.
Are the following theses only theories? Who would not like a highly prosperous health system with guaranteed wages on all sides? After all, this way, the import of workers can be increased even more, and one can move further away from a citizen-friendly and entrepreneurial basic income in the process. If more than ninety per cent of workers are state-dependent, then there is no interest in mentioning wage structures or the flexibilisation of work in the discussion. This could jeopardise security and prosperity, or worse; one could consider making substantial cuts in the workforce. This would indeed and inevitably lead to economically sensible allocation, but it still needs to be achieved.
Changes could be accelerated in principle, and local recreation density substantially increased. Personal health can be measured more precisely on an ongoing basis. Never before has learning within the digital world and its environment been as precise and far-reaching as it is. This means: “It must be checked even more consistently and “every byte must be turned twice”.