Have you ever attempted to change a decision, only to find that it was already “set in stone”? If so, then you’ll know that this expression leaves no doubt that changes or amendments are no longer possible. After all, it’s hard to think of something more permanent than stone carvings.

If you’ve ever made a decision which has ended up having negative consequences, your natural instinct in such a situation may have been to try to avoid the repercussions. That may be tempting, but it is usually far better to accept responsibility and “face the music”.

Collaboration breeds creativity – so the next time you get stuck with a task remember that “two heads are better than one”. This applies to the revision process too as it never hurts “to have another pair of eyes look at something”.

Can you think of any skills which you have mastered to such a degree that they no longer require much thought? Skills which are instinctive and effortless? If so, then you can say that they have become “second nature”. Similarly, if you ever find yourself doing something in a particular way without realising, then you can say that it is simply “force of habit”.

    1 Response to "Force of Habit"

    • Julieth Gh

      I have never thought about setting a goal, If I cannot do something right away I won’t do it. habits are difficult for me but this perspective got me thinking, excellent post.

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