
Black rice ring with vegetables

Rice is a healthy food. The black rice "Nerone" is grown in Italy. This variety gets its colour from the natural pigmentation of the outer grain layers. It supplies essential minerals and vitamins such as the relatively rare vitamin B9, skin vitamin E and cell-protecting carotene. A strong nutty flavour gives black rice its unique taste. Black rice has a high protein and fibre content and contains minerals such as iron, manganese, phosphorus and magnesium. Black rice can, therefore, be a valuable component of vegan cuisine. The Stirnrunzler recipe kitchen presents its own creation with black rice and vegetables, which can be flexibly supplemented with fried tofu or mushrooms, for example.

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Sweet peppers stuffed with vegetables

Why do peppers come in different colours? The colour of the peppers depends on the variety. Initially, chillies are always green. As they ripen, the vegetable acquires yellow, orange, red, or even dark shades, as do the different flavours. Green chilli peppers have a somewhat bitter taste, yellow ones are fruitier, and red ones have an almost sweetish aroma. Their positive effects on the immune system and metabolism are well known, as is their high vitamin C content. Thanks to their low fat, carbohydrate and calorie content, chilli peppers help with weight loss.

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Better health thanks to an alkaline diet?

An alkaline-rich diet promotes consuming fresh, unprocessed foods with abundant fruit and vegetables. This leads to increased intake of essential nutrients and antioxidants, positively affecting health. However, scientific evidence does not support the idea that diseases can be prevented or cured by an alkaline-rich diet alone. The body maintains its pH value regardless of acid or alkaline intake in the diet. Many test subjects have confirmed a positive effect on health thanks to an alkaline diet. It is recommended to include alkaline-rich foods in the diet and to reduce the consumption of acid-forming foods in diets. A good approach is to favour whole grain products, healthy fats, vegetable proteins and various fruits and vegetables. Gently produced wholemeal corn products are gluten-free and preferable to wholemeal at best.

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Quick, Easy to Preserve, Wholesome and Yet Filling

Green asparagus is already back in the chiller cabinets of the supermarkets. It's still expensive, but a slight spring fever is coming. Courgette soup can be made using the same simple recipe. It goes well with a few falafel patties, which are just as quick to prepare. The falafel "dough" and the soups can be kept in the fridge for at least three days. This is a quick way to serve a wholesome lunch or dinner after or during a busy day.

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Cinnamon Is Not Just a Spice

Cinnamon enriches a healthy diet without resorting to artificial sweeteners. Essential oils ensure digestibility, and tannins soothe the stomach. Studies now show that cinnamon has a positive effect on regulating blood sugar levels and can improve insulin sensitivity. People with diabetes are usually aware of how important a healthy diet is. Cinnamon can be an excellent addition to this. Cinnamon can help lower blood sugar levels by naturally increasing insulin production. It also contains anti-inflammatory compounds and can reduce the general risk of inflammatory diseases, leading to various health problems, including diabetes. Cinnamon can also lower blood pressure and regulate cholesterol levels, ultimately positively affecting the cardiovascular system.

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Healthy, Vegan Omega 3 Snacks

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for good health. They strengthen brain function and heart health and generally ensure general well-being. Fish is one of the best-known sources of omega-3 fatty acids. But there are also many plant-based alternatives for vegans and vegetarians. Here are a few healthy options for omega-3-rich snacks to nourish the body and mind.

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Frowner’s Christmas Menu

Vegan and healthy without sacrificing flavour. Short days and the festive season is just around the corner. You can prepare for a relaxing time before cosy get-togethers or just for yourself. Be inspired by Stinrrunzler's budget-friendly Christmas menu. It can easily be created in advance.

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Muscle power, iron and beta-carotene in one pan

In the Middle Ages, spinach (Spinacia oleracea) travelled from the Near and Middle East to Spain. I was soon known and appreciated throughout Europe. The green leaves can be used in various ways. For example, in salads (baby spinach leaves), soups, smoothies and different vegetable preparations. Often, the healthy, green splash of colour. Like almost all vegetables, spinach is also a medicinal plant. Many studies emphasise its diverse composition of nutrients. Secondary plant substances, minerals and vitamins are anti-inflammatory. In addition, they combat iron deficiency, hypometabolic disorders, cancer and depression.

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Light diet

Alkaline nutrition for detoxification, deacidification or bowel cleansing can be integrated into everyday life without too much effort. Fresh foods are valuable here. The call to avoid ready-made products is becoming louder in specialist circles. When the stomach and intestines rebel, herbs, teas, and herbal mother tinctures help, which is well documented. In such cases, you should also concentrate on pureed or finely chopped food, favour light, fat-free meals, and avoid animal products. Use less spicy seasoning and avoid alcohol and cigarettes.

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The autumnal blaze of colour brought to your plate

Wild cabbage was originally native to the coasts of France and southern England. The simple leafy cabbages were cultivated. In the Middle Ages, the first cabbage was grown. Various types of cabbage were subsequently used. The red cabbage "Rubeae caules" was first described by Hildegard von Bingen. It was long regarded as a staple part of the diet of the population of Central Europe. However, the increasing import of vegetables pushed the power vegetable off the menu.

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A tip for pre-cooks – K and K in autumn salad

To prevent stomach issues, grate ginger and use caraway seeds when eating cabbage. A few drops of lemon over the coarsely grated carrots to keep them fresh. A few potatoes or rice can also help in many ways. Longer cooking and stewing times often release additional nutrients. Having personal ingredients on hand for everyday cooking and health is helpful. For example, we are choosing beneficial fats. Reviewing habits regularly can significantly improve daily life.

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Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum)

Raw chickpeas also contain the toxin Phasin, which belongs to the group of lectins. These protein compounds are found in many fruits and vegetables. They protect the plants from invading bugs. Raw beans have high levels of this toxin, especially raw kidney beans. Cooking breaks down phasing. Cooked chickpeas and other legumes are, therefore, safe. Like all pulses, dried chickpeas will keep for years if stored dry, away from light and in a cool place. Do not cook canned pulses or eat them after the expiration date.

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Fresh apple puree with vanilla ice cream made from oat milk

Applesauce can be used to create beautiful desserts. For example, warm apple puree with vanilla ice cream. Vanilla cream or vanilla quark, baked rolled up in puff pastry. Or an apple tiramisu: Cover the bottom of a glass dish with apple puree. Place a layer of ladyfingers on top and cover with vanilla quark whipped cream mixture (vegan). Add another layer of applesauce, then another layer of ladyfingers. Finish with the vanilla quark and whipped cream mixture. Cover and refrigerate at least overnight. Fry almond slivers or slices in a frying pan until golden brown and sprinkle over the top when serving.

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La cuisine asiatique est de plus en plus utilisée dans le monde occidental. Bien sûr, elle est utilisée dans les régimes végétariens et végétaliens. Le tofu, également connu sous le nom de caillé de soja, est fabriqué à partir de haricots de soja blancs transformés en lait de soja. Le caillé de soja, produit par dénaturation et floculation des protéines, est déshydraté, puis pressé en blocs. (Source : Wikipedia)

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Numerosos estudios han demostrado que el tofu tiene efectos positivos en la salud. Sus ingredientes y valores nutricionales son tan variados como sus métodos de preparación. Unas 85 calorías se encuentran en 100 gramos de tofu. El tofu contiene pocas grasas poco saludables pero algunas de las saludables grasas omega-3. Debido a su alto contenido de proteínas y fibras dietéticas, este "queso crema" asiático es saciante y saludable. El tofu también se caracteriza por su alto contenido mineral. Las isoflavonas y las vitaminas A, C, B, B6, B12, D, E, K y el ácido fólico también son dignos de mención. Contiene los minerales hierro, potasio, calcio, magnesio, selenio, fósforo y zinc.

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Insalata Caprese Vegana

Numerosi studi hanno dimostrato che il tofu ha effetti positivi sulla salute. I suoi ingredienti e valori nutrizionali sono tanto vari quanto lo sono i suoi metodi di preparazione. 100 grammi di tofu contengono circa 85 calorie, pochi grassi saturi e alcuni degli acidi grassi sani Omega-3. Grazie all'elevato contenuto proteico e alle fibre alimentari, questo “formaggio” asiatico sazia e fa bene alla salute. Il tofu è caratterizzato anche da un alto contenuto di minerali e dalla presenza di isoflavoni e vitamine A, C, B, B6, B12, D, E, K e dell'acido folico. Contiene ferro, potassio, calcio, magnesio, selenio, fosforo e zinco.

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Caprese with Tofu vegan

Numerous studies have shown that tofu has positive effects on health. Its ingredients and nutritional values are as varied as its preparation methods. Around 85 calories are contained in 100 grams of tofu. Tofu contains few unhealthy fats but some of the healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Due to the high protein content and the dietary fibres, the Asian "cream cheese" is filling and healthy. Tofu is also characterised by its high mineral content. The isoflavones and vitamins A, C, B, B6, B12, D, E, K and folic acid are also worth mentioning. It contains the minerals iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus and zinc.

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