Introduce sensible incentive taxes to support society, its health and the environment.
Increase the number of VAT payers and reduce the number of wage earners.
Intelligent digitalisation requires well-trained auditors in all areas. They need a clear view of the figures, appropriate communication skills and fairness. In this way, digitalisation could achieve a great deal. Simplified processes strive for in the digital state environment. It helps to make the state apparatus more streamlined. Furthermore, efficient, intelligent digitalisation simplifies complex systems.
Businesses would need fewer staff and can lower costs. Within audits, “benchmarks” and checks are less time sensitive. There would be more time for further discussions with company managers. Other stakeholders, independent bodies and auditing experts will be better informed. This way, all stakeholders could save or earn money, creating added value for society. Switzerland has a well-developed knowledge society. In particular, professionals from the education sector should see the opportunity. If more implemented knowledge becomes a reality. All companies and self-employed people adapt their organisations to society's goals. There is no way around specialised knowledge and versatile inputs.
In the case of smaller companies or start-ups, many things have to be set in motion first. A standard audit may cost too much and not bring any decisive added value. Even so, external auditing is worthwhile. It is an advantage to identify oneself with recognised certificates or testing procedures. This creates trust. No entrepreneur is averse to this. Yet, questions arise about the complexity of such audits. Which controls are realistic and bring decisive added value? Which goals can we achieve faster with both external and internal controls?
Creating new markets
Digitalisation creates new markets and occupational fields. It enables the flexibilisation of viable work. The globalisation of work has been a fact for some time. So the question is how to bring more added value to our country. We achieve this goal with well-thought-out savings measures and an efficient administrative apparatus. Also, creating new engaging, sustainable occupational fields requires further thinking. This is not about “abolishing” the state or playing off against each other. We want to integrate different stakeholder groups.
We need much more necessary expertise and also appropriate training. One would have to be able to recognise each other's perspectives. Such communication is complex and challenging, even for experienced experts. Such discussions need resources, preparation, and the necessary, even better, experience. The participation of several people or those affected is helpful. People react when they are responsible and have to interpret their figures.
Within a state and banking economy, VAT plays a limited role. Even leading providers and actors often do not have to account for it. Sooner or later, we will see disadvantageous effects arising. Be sure it will be to the detriment of all market participants. Integrating disciplines into the markets is vital but can create further costs. There will always be a high demand for legal security, human rights, and medicine. The mentioned disciplines ask for independent analysis and testing. Everybody wants essential safeguards for tested and sustainable food and beverages. There is little shortage of quality information and learning systems in the age of AI.
Food and water management
More people mean new challenges. If more people were to eat a vegan, tasty, and healthy diet with our climate in mind, only then is the effect realistic. We will feed more people well or counteract famine. For many people, consuming animal foods was a luxury, a privilege they worked hard for in advance. Only because of paradoxical incentives is animal milk cheaper than vegan milk. Many sausages and burgers are far too cheap compared to their alternatives.
Leading state-owned companies (Suisse Public Transport) should be an example for others. Meat and cheese or traditional sausage dishes are predominant in their restaurants. This may often still be to the liking of the 40 per cent of pensioners in the current society. Yet, it should be noted that many of them have already changed their diet. Markets have changed and will continue to change at a rapid pace.
It is good if meat and cheese are no longer lucrative mass products. These products would have to be high quality and expensive. Essential vegan nutrition is more cost-neutral. Moreover, it leads to fewer health costs when focusing on non-prepared products.
Most people want to live a long and healthy life. This contradicts the current agriculture and livestock industry. It would be acceptable to build up other markets and, above all, to redirect steering. It would be more sustainable for people and the climate. Modern farms could also benefit in many ways. The state would have to think and steer. A vegan industry would be conceivable and sustainable for basic food security. One would no longer be dependent on imports but also be active on exports.
First, water and technology are needed for this. Water management (wastewater treatment and water purification) is a state task. It has always been more important in history than it is now. Indeed, the economy should make a meaningful contribution. Luckily, within a democracy, the people have the final say as the best testing ground for the state.
Healthier, more careful and economic
Most vegan people want to live in a healthy and environmentally friendly way. But they also want to put in place new behaviours. Furthermore, this will have positive effects on their health insurance premiums. Due to the partly absurd market economy and its production methods, we see it only to a limited extent. In hectic everyday life, it is only possible to test some products. Water is the highest good. We are all responsible for the most outstanding care of the country's valuable goods. People must understand when these goods are available to the international markets, partly without limit. This invaluable national wealth must be invested in sustainable and environmentally friendly. Public authorities responsible for the environment and resources could position themselves better. Local and international entrepreneurs need audits when they deal with water.
The innovation competition has so been open for some time. It is crucial to have solid and diverse enterprises in the country. State-owned enterprises are disadvantageous. With a limited liability company or AG, it is easier to get into debt. There is often a tendency to raise capital imprudently. Younger entrepreneurs should be given more information and avoid getting deceived. One should offer better starting conditions for a business. Motivate young entrepreneurs to realise their visions with enthusiasm. For this reason, cautious action and thoughtful plans should be for the long term.
Many roads lead to Rome. Research and ideas are here. Often with success and profit. So many have dedicated themselves to studying and even more would like to do so. But not everyone can do research. The necessary resources are available in very few countries. What we need is more knowledge-expanding companies worldwide. It will automate virtually and keep a better eye on people's health.
To conclude, Steering and accounting are essential. As is a financial economy that should serve society and yet celebrate itself.
1 Response to "Steering and Accounting"
The notion of aligning markets with sustainable food choices is thought-provoking, though cultural factors should also be considered. Encouraging knowledge-driven entrepreneurship and a financial system that serves society’s needs are key takeaways, emphasizing the complexity of balancing various interests.