Concrete, specific language with a focus on plot and dialogue

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was known for his unmistakable writing style. He was one of the most successful and popular American writers of the 20th century. His best-known works include the novel "To Whom the Hour Strikes", published in 1940. The "simple" sentence constellations, concrete and specific language, pointed expressiveness, and focus on plot and dialogue are unmistakable.

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Primarily address the readership

Compendium for successful blog authors and other media professionals. With marketing, focus guidelines, and current reporting, it is possible to reach a readership. Inspire with learnings, insights and innovation. Time investment for planning, research, implementation and presentation as well as ongoing goal definition and organization. Attractive and groundbreaking performance with output and quality focus.

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Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Loading times are important and remain the key to the success of a website. After all, what type of user wants to wait a long time to watch a post or video they were looking for? The LCP or Largest Contentful Paint metric indicates the “render time” of the largest block of image or text visible in the viewport relative to the initial start of the page load.

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