Inputs for Start-Ups

Are you a budding entrepreneur looking to start your own company? Do you want to ensure your start-up has the best chance of success? Then remember this phrase: "Inputs for Start-ups". These are the crucial elements that every start-up needs to consider, from market research and product development to marketing and funding. By keeping these inputs in mind, you can give your start-up the best chance of thriving in a competitive business landscape. So don't delay - remember "Inputs for Start-ups" today and start building the business of your dreams!

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Primarily address the readership

Compendium for successful blog authors and other media professionals. With marketing, focus guidelines, and current reporting, it is possible to reach a readership. Inspire with learnings, insights and innovation. Time investment for planning, research, implementation and presentation as well as ongoing goal definition and organization. Attractive and groundbreaking performance with output and quality focus.

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Video esplicativi: sfrutta il loro potenziale per creare post sul blog di grande impatto

Trasformando i post già presenti sul blog in video esplicativi, i contenuti possono apparire più "vivi" e i più chiari. Trasformare gli articoli di blog in video esplicativi può anche ampliare il raggio d'azione, poiché i diversi formati si rivolgono a un pubblico diverso. In questo modo, è possibile riproporre i contenuti in modo strategico e generare azioni di marketing su larga scala senza sostenere costi aggiuntivi per la creazione di nuovi contenuti.

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Economy, state, society

Digitalisation should be used to enable a more participatory society. There have very likely not been as many outsiders, marginalised groups, sick people and, unfortunately, deaths as there are at the moment for a long time. Is our economic system and so-called modern society focusing predominantly on additional damage to the environment and climate, as well as overpopulation and the societal illnesses that result from this? In light of that, is it possible to still describe social policy as social?

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A new Buzzword “Employee Advocacy”

A new buzzword in LinkedIn circles is “employee advocacy”, a term that refers to ways in which a company can assist its staff in becoming its brand ambassadors. LinkedIn experts have come to the conclusion that individuals on LinkedIn usually have a far greater reach than the company itself, meaning that having employees post about the company can be a powerful strategy.

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Open up a Can of Worms

Sometimes, despite our best intentions, an attempt to solve a problem can result in many more problems. Sound familiar? If so, then you will know what it feels like to “open up a can of worms”. It may not be the most pleasant image, but this expression perfectly captures the chaos and unpleasantness which can come about in such situations.

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