Trust is good; control is better.
Small amounts add up.
The costs can add up to astronomical amounts in legal disputes. Even by negotiating cases of CHF 2,000 between public authorities and citizens. Not least at the expense of personal health. Apart from unproductive time not used for customers or business activities. This makes no economic sense whatsoever. To minimise risk, reduce or clarify discussion or legal points. It makes sense in many places.
More competition?
It's a challenging endeavour. The state economy often complicates the business activities of SMEs and corporations.
Even if the situation is clear, this can lead to long-term harassment. Those who fail to observe even the most minor rules can lose money. In the worst case, they expose themselves to the arbitrariness of labour-intensive bureaucracy. This problem can grow as the state economy, managerial groups, and monopolies expand. As a result, up-and-coming start-ups and SMEs will have to sell or even give up despite their discipline.
Are you buying or selling?
Attention: Company valuation approaches often correspond to buyers, civil servants, and banks. Support from experienced, communication-savvy specialists from the accounting and fiduciary sector is recommended. “Do figures not lie”? Companies are often sold when cash flow could be more favourable. High turnover makes the sale easier. For buyers, this means paying attention to “embellished” sales figures. Every detail counts in the buying or selling process. They are leading to differences even during negotiations. The time factor must be taken into account. Timely argumentation, position and communication usually precede elaborate documentation and expensive legal advice.
Proactive risk minimisation
Strategy and clarification are one thing. Changing legislation, the market and the personal situation are another. A willingness and enthusiasm to work, as well as good health, are helpful. Systematic preparation and planning in everyday life increases agility. Recognising risks and opportunities is essential next to using knowledge and personal strengths.
Digitalisation: value and use
Every country can only afford an efficient state economy. Only some things need to be fixed. Yet, achievements still need to be implemented due to IT systems and calculations. Interfaces and workforces need help with change, or costs get out of hand. There is rarely a lack of arguments. Even in the case of the most critical government revenue, VAT. There needs to be more willingness to reduce the burden on billers systematically. Budgets are high, yet certain implementations fail at so-called “interfaces”. It is already being managed and monitored. Salaries in the IT sector are high. So is the cost pressure. This inevitably leads to problems that affect everyone.
Thinking and shaping together
Unfortunately, poor communication, a lack of knowledge, and resentment minimise progress. Intelligent, verified digitalisation strengthens the rule of law. More knowledge centres, independent auditors and employees must be brought in. This could even reduce the number of administrative centres. The Swiss VAT authority continues to act as a global role model. More companies and VAT accountants from various sectors characterise a solution-oriented state. It will likely lead to diversity of opinion and knowledge transfer. Thus, harassment within the critical federal revenues, such as VAT, should be excluded.
A strong state promotes an active economy. With a state-run economy's monopolisation, democracy and financial business ethics are “abolished”.