A fundamental problem in our society is called irresponsibility. This irresponsibility is rooted in the state economy and a wage structure that has long since lost touch with reality. Easily understandable, practicable communication and teachings could be the key to improvement. In principle, and fortunately, we are close to a corresponding realisation.
The banking system is not least an instrument of power that can easily be abused. Fast trade or “turbo-capitalism” are not harmful per se, nor is a state-economic doctrine purely logical or mathematical in principle – but they often fail because of human behaviour. The reality is different. If responsible entrepreneurs want to act as members of society, then they bear the risk for their decisions. Consequently, they do not sell their clientele or young people education products from nuclear-contaminated soil, basically “tasty plastic fish” or “fat sugar bombs“, which can ultimately lead to enormous dependency. Profits will be more sustainable and valuable if the well-being of the buying public is pursued.
Reduction of dependencies?
Certainly not immediately. Likewise, it does not make sense to leave decisive fields, or corresponding powers, to other states. Many things could be done without disadvantages. If it were possible to inspire at least five billion citizens of the world to eat a sustainable, healthy and vegan diet, many social problems could be solved sooner. This would also mean – as mentioned several times – producing and processing healthy fats and proteins (nuts, algae oil, linseed oil, seeds, and pulses rich in nutrients). It supports producers of vegetables, salads and fruits and remembers careful water use.
Hand on heart; should one trust one's doctor, the respected professor or the teacher in the neighbourhood? Certainly not unreservedly! Co-thinking and independent thinking are indispensable, along with science, AI and their representatives. In personal finance, for example, people usually pay attention to every centime or cent. But the question arises: do we also do this regarding profit? Are lower wages, pensions or healthy food pleasant? Basically, not, but in some cases, they are sustainable or health-promoting. Of course, this requires more rational and responsible behaviour. Fewer flights, for example, would be economically sensible, and resources could be used more advantageously.
Sustainability, health or sensible behaviour should be worthwhile. So cheating, lying or deceiving others and deliberately harming the majority should not be attractive!
Role models?
Instinctively, one knows that the ideals mentioned above are relatively rare. Thus, no role models are chosen, but rather a wage guarantor and one learns that two per cent inflation is sustainable, for example. This is certainly more beneficial than a standstill or rest. Performing well and achieving goals is advantageous, and there is little to say against it. On the other hand, competition, knowledge and the associated power constructs or monetary connections can already develop to the disadvantage of many people. For example, if pensioners are doing well, this situation can be maintained for a while. The important thing is to be able to use progress sensibly. Innovation as an end in itself benefits no one. Data collection often means more disadvantages than advantages. It is crucial that data collectors can be monitored and also held accountable, which is only sometimes the case. The necessary balance must be found because progress is only possible with market and merit.
Is everything complex?
If complex contracts and ever more complex everyday problems make it challenging to fulfil all theoretical obligations, things have gotten off on an unfavourable track. If ninety per cent of households can be “spied on”, often unknowingly and supposedly for the benefit of science, then one should stop following quasi-unconditional monetary or science-believing deacons. Much more, one's mind should be switched to help generate meaningful systems, such as sustainable and understandable contracting. No child's play – but also a motivating approach for others to efficiently solve the everyday problems of the general public. A resulting mutual benefit could be an argument that many will follow.
More rational behaviour?
Banking or insurance systems are based on mathematical models. Data collectors or data processors try to make maximum use of their knowledge. They want to be able to sell personal knowledge and assessments. In principle, this is not negative. However, transparency and clear rules are a prerequisite for this. Users should be able to understand what is offered and guaranteed without spending hours studying the documents. Comprehensible communication is possible. This makes it easier for clients to assess the offer or the situation accordingly. Thus, user-friendliness and personal rights must gain value. The customer is king, not the manager or the wages of rulers and their followers. The people's rights must be strengthened for an empowered society. In this way, more forces could be gathered and focused on goals.
VAT, sensible principles, innovative society
More VAT within the health sector would systemically lead to more responsibility. VAT “translates” into more market laws in many cases. Patients who know what is good for them usually seek it. The possibilities are there. However, pharmaceutical industrialists, insurance companies and banks who depend on their constituencies often ensure that utopias are maintained. Managers want to avoid taking on more VAT obligations and responsibilities. This could substantially increase the wealth of too many people far too quickly. People do not like science to be held accountable for applying their research projects. The issue of “human rights” could come into play here. But the fact is: that science must serve society, and its misuse must be actively combated. So should business leaders be interested in transferring more knowledge and responsibility to employees? Absolutely! This gives employees a chance to take on personal responsibility, think more rationally and thus significantly contribute to their well-being. Not working is not an option for healthy people, and who does not like to create added value without having to “reinvent the wheel”?
1 Response to "Sustainability = Personal Responsibility"
It is impressive how tiny changes on your life and behavior can make you a better person and at the same time you can be part of the worldwide change. Improving your finances and your lifestyle by following hardworking people, if they could do it, you can do it too.